Morning came finally and we caught a taxi to the airport...made it to Dallas, boarded the plane to return to Shreveport. Couldn't be that simple, the plane was broken and we had to get off and wait around for about an hour to eventually board another plane. We arrived in Shreveport about 4! So glad to be in our hometown...needless to say I am staying home for awhile and I hope Austin decided the NORTH is better left up there and will pick a college in a warmer climate!
Side note...I slipped in the tub on Sunday morning, fell flat on my back, bumped my head on the back of the tub and have had a dull headache since. I am hoping it will go away, it worries me it still hurts but hope all will be well soon! Thank goodness I didn't pass out...would of hated to have been hurt so far from home!
Better days question about it!